英和御書対照表(WND;volume2, 新版御書)

英和御書対照表(WND;volume2, 新版御書)

English Gosho Name  page 御書名
A Copy of “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” 1083 安国論正本の事 2145
A Disease Passed on to One’s Children 497 弥源太入道殿御返事 1700
A Harsh Winter Deep in the Mountains 806 兵衛志殿御返事(深山厳冬の事) 1494
A Mother’s Gift of a Robe 532 富木殿御返事(悲母の帷の事) 1305
A Visit as Rare as the Udumbara Flower 1075 内記左近入道殿御返事 2136
Acknowledging Various Offerings 756 種々物御消息 1877
An Offering of Rice 1088 富木殿御返事(白米供養の事) 1275
An Offering of Soybeans 356 大豆御書 1818
Arrival at Ikegami 994 波木井殿御報 1817
BodhisattvaLearned Youth 678 兵衛志殿女房御書 1482
Choosing the Heart of the Lotus Sutra 481 法華取要抄 148
Climbing Up Dragon Gate 673 大井荘司入道御書 1822
Cloth for a Robe and an Unlined Robe 602 御衣並単衣御書 1310
Concerning the Statue of ShakyamuniBuddha Fashioned by Nichigen-nyo 811 日眼女造立釈迦仏供養事 1609
Concerning the Statue of ShakyamuniBuddha Made by Toki 354 真間釈迦仏御供養逐状 1274
Condolences on a Deceased Husband 765 妙法比丘尼御返事 2104
Cover Letter for the Work Entitled “Establishing the Correct Method of Contemplation” 535 立正観抄送状 651
Damage by Locusts 467 土木殿御返事(越州嫡男ならびに妻尼の事) 1300
Diagram of the Five Periodsof the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings 238 一代五時図 886
Diagram of the Five Periodsof the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings 736 一代五時図 895
Dialogue on the Lotus and Pure Land Teachings 411 法華浄土問答抄 827
Dialogues for Quick Victory 396 早勝問答 812
Discrepancies between the Provisional and the True Teachings 578 大学三郎殿御書 1648
Distinguishing the Lotus Sutra from the True Word Sutras 503 曽谷入道殿御書 1389
Dōryū of Kenchō-jiTemple 762 弥源太入道殿御消息 1702
Errors of the Eight Schools 417 八宗違目抄 831
Errors of the True Word and Other Schools 434 真言諸宗違目 1293
Establishing the Correct Method of Contemplation 509 立正観抄 641
Eternity, Happiness, True Self, and Purity 1076 常楽我浄御書 2163
Examining the True Word School 441 真言見聞 840
Explaining the Causation of the Ten Worlds 193 十法界明因果抄 460
Filial Sons 815 孝子御書 1499
Finding a Copy of “The Commentary on the Ten Stages Sutra” 1010 十住毘婆沙論尋出御書 1641
Great Reward 1028 大果報御書 2144
How the Gods Protect the Place of Practice 668 道場神守護事 1320
Hulled Wheat 1086 舂麦御書 2161
In the Continent of Jambudvīpa 1061 閻浮提中御書 2047
Jetavana Monastery 595 上野殿御書(祇園精舎の事) 1846
Jissō-ji Temple 726 実相寺御書 1932
Kamatari Suggests the Fashioning of a Buddha Image 597 兵衛志殿御返事(鎌足造仏の事) 1483
Letter of Instruction on Debating the Doctrine 591 四条金吾殿御返事(法論心得の事) 1548
Letter Sent with the Prayer Sutra 459 祈禱経送状 1785
Letter to Ben 440 弁殿御消息(法門聴聞の事) 1634
Letter to Ben 661 弁殿御消息(師弟同心の祈りの事) 1636
Letter to Chōraku-ji 332 長楽寺への御状 865
Letter to Dōryūof Kenchō-ji 322 建長寺道隆への御状 859
Letter to Five Followers in Prison 394 五人土籠御書 1638
Letter to Hei no Saemon-no-jō Yoritsuna 318 平左衛門尉頼綱への御状 856
Letter to Hōjō Tokimune 314 北条時宗への御状 854
Letter to Hōjō Yagenta 320 北条弥源太への御状 858
Letter to Jōkōmyō-ji 329 浄光明寺への御状 863
Letter to Jōren-bō 567 浄蓮房御書 2016
Letter to Jufuku-ji 328 寿福寺への御状 862
Letter to Musashi 1084 武蔵殿御消息 1640
Letter to My Disciples and Lay Supporters 333 弟子檀那中への御状 866
Letter to Niida 1067 新田殿御書 1725
Letter to Renjō 3 蓮盛抄(禅宗問答抄) 757
Letter to Ryōkanof Gokuraku-ji 324 極楽寺良観への御状 860
Letter to Shimoyama 684 下山御消息 272
Letter to Tahō-ji 331 多宝寺への御状 864
Letter to the Lay NunZenichi 1058 是日尼御書 1772
Letter to the Lay PriestYadoya 312 宿屋入道への御状 852
Letter to the Mother of Oto 1030 乙御前母御書 1684
Letter to the Superintendent of Daibutsu-den 326 大仏殿別当への御状 862
Letter to Yadoya Saemon Mitsunori 317 宿屋左衛門光則への御状 855
Making Clear the Meaning of Establishing the Correct Teaching 505 顕立正意抄 638
Nembutsuand the Hellof Incessant Suffering 24 念仏無間地獄抄 748
New Year’s Greeting 530 春の祝御書 1840
Nine Thoughts to One Word 730 四条金吾御書 1598
Not a One Will Fail to Attain Buddhahood 1081 不妄語戒事 2157
Offerings for the Object of Devotion 671 本尊供養御書 1862
Offerings in the Snow 809 上野殿御返事(藍よりも青き事) 1886
On a Disciple’s Attitude in Court 1008 問注得意抄 1271
On Adhering to the Correct Teachings 1087 帰伏正法御書 2165
On Attaining Buddhahoodin One’s Present Form 584 大田殿女房御返事(即身成仏抄) 1380
On Clothing and Food 1066 衣食御書 2150
On Dealing with Disaster 179 災難対治抄 448
On Forgetting the Copy of the Sutra 657 忘持経事 1318
On Losing Faith and Falling into Evil 1079 破信堕悪御書 2164
On Meeting with the Late Lay Priest of Saimyō-ji 1087 故最明寺入道見参御書 2141
On Namu 1073 南無御書 2162
On Polished Wheat 575 南条殿御返事(白麦供養の事) 1844
On Reciting the Daimokuof the Lotus Sutra 211 唱法華題目抄 1
On Shan-wu-wei 628 善無畏抄 665
On Sun of Wisdom and the Sun Goddess 1070 慧日天照御書 2164
On the Attainment of Buddhahoodby Women 306 女人成仏抄 519
On the Benefits of the Daimoku 1074 題目功徳御書 2162
On the Eight Cold Hells 721 太田殿女房御返事(八寒地獄の事) 1369
On the First Harvest of the Year 1089 初穂御書 1819
On the Five Guides for Propagation 540 曽谷入道殿許御書 1390
On the Five Seasonal Festivals 374 秋元殿御返事 1455
On the Importance of the “Expedient Means” and “Life Span” Chapters 746 太田左衛門尉御返事 1371
On the Long Rains 1085 霖雨御書 1821
On the Meritorious Act of Filial Devotion 816 窪尼御前御返事(孝養善根の事) 1974
On the Nation’s Slander of the Law 1025 南部六郎殿御書 1806
On the Offering of a Mud Pie 499 上野殿御返事(土餅供養の事) 1837
On the One Great Matter 1088 一大事御書 2157
On the Principle of Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life 71 一念三千理事 348
On the Proper Way to Preach the Doctrine 338 法門申さるべき様の事 1653
On the Protection of the Nation 92 守護国家論 379
On the Receiving of the Three Great Secret Laws 984 三大秘法稟承事(三大秘法抄) 1384
On the Relative Superiority of the Lotus Sutra and the True Word Teachings 274 法華真言勝劣事 776
On the Relative Superiority of the Tendai and True Word Schools 523 大田殿許御書 1363
On the Relative Superiority of the True Word and Tendai Schools 364 真言天台勝劣事 805
On the Ten Chapters of “Great Concentration and Insight” 377 十章抄 1664
On the Ten Factors 78 十如是事 354
On the Ten Worlds 158 十法界事 365
On the Three Calamities 802 上野殿御返事(三災の事) 1882
On the Three Virtuesof Food 1060 食物三徳御書 2156
On the True Word Teaching Ranking Seventh 357 真言七重勝劣事 940
On Three Seating Mats 991 莚三枚御書 2051
On Treasure 818 上野殿御返事(山中に財の事) 1892
One Horseload of Salt 783 上野殿御返事(塩一駄供養の事) 1881
One Horseload of Taros 1059 芋一駄御書 2038
Oral Exposition concerning the Transmission of the Essence of the Lotus Sutrato BodhisattvaSuperior Practices 640 上行菩薩結要付嘱口伝 969
Persons of the Two Vehiclesand Bodhisattvas Cannot Attain Buddhahoodin the Pre-Lotus Sutra Teachings 174 爾前二乗菩薩不作仏事 375
Prayer for the Lay Nun’s Recovery 666 富木殿御返事(平癒祈願の事) 1352
Praying for the Prolonging of the Lay Nun’s Life 1082 富城殿御返事(長寿祈願の事) 1342
Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion 787 本尊問答抄 302
Questions and Answers on the Various Schools 10 諸宗問答抄 764
Recovering from Illness 1034 除病御書 2165
Refuting Ryōkanand the Others 1046 破良観等御書 1256
Regarding an Unlined Robe 599 単衣抄 1848
Regarding the Attainment of Buddhahoodby Persons of the Two Vehicles 1012 二乗作仏事 654
Regarding the Birth of Kyō’ō 457 経王御前御書 1631
Repairing the Hermitage 725 庵室修復書 1870
Reply to a Communication from Gōnin 608 強仁状御返事 875
Reply to Abutsu-bō 683 阿仏房御返事 1734
Reply to Gyōbin 384 行敏御返事 867
Reply to Hōki and the Others 820 伯耆殿等御返事 1937
Reply to Hyōe no Sakan 754 兵衛志殿御返事(病平癒の事) 1491
Reply to Hyōe no Sakan 1088 兵衛志殿御返事(題目一返の事) 1483
Reply to Kakushō-bō 1085 覚性房御返事 1820
Reply to Kurō Tarō 664 九郎太郎殿御返事(家の芋供養の事) 1861
Reply to Matsuno 752 妙法尼御返事 1999
Reply to Nanjō 655 南条殿御返事(諸人供養の事) 1855
Reply to Nishiyama 1089 西山殿御返事(名ばかり申し候の事) 1952
Reply to Ōama 1069 大尼御前御返事 1224
Reply to Rokurō Jirō 680 六郎次郎殿御返事 1814
Reply to Sadashige 1086 さだしげ殿御返事 2081
Reply to the Lady of Sajiki 734 桟敷女房御返事(衣服供養の事) 1705
Reply to the Lay Nun 352 富木殿御返事(止観第五の事) 1273
Reply to the Lay NunKōnichi 1068 光日尼御返事 1264
Reply to the Lay NunMatsuno 1089 松野尼御前御返事 2006
Reply to the Lay Nunof Kubo 755 窪尼御前御返事(信心の根深き事) 1973
Reply to the Lay Priest Misawa 534 三沢御房御返事 2010
Reply to the Sage Iwamoto Nitchū 1083 石本日仲聖人御返事 1934
Reply to the Sages 831 聖人等御返事 1938
Reply to the Temple Superintendent 1032 別当御房御返事 1204
Reply to the Wife of Hyōe no Sakan 1084 兵衛志殿女房御返事(御子どもの事) 1501
Reply to the Wife of Nanjō 753 南条殿女房御返事 1876
Reply to the Wife of Ōta 785 大田殿女房御返事(金色王の事) 1376
Reply to the Wife of Takahashi 593 高橋殿女房御返事 1961
Reply to Ueno 495 上野殿御返事(故上野殿追善の事) 1836
Reply to Ueno 253 上野殿御返事(法華経の御命の事) 1869
Response to the Petition from Gyōbin 385 行敏訴状御会通 868
Rooster Diagram of the Five Periodsof the Buddha’s Lifetime Teachings 1035 一代五時鶏図 902
Rulers of the Land of the Gods 612 神国王御書 671
Snow and Lacquer 675 西山殿御返事(雪漆御書) 1951
Sovereign, Teacher, and Parent 35 主師親御書 319
The Annual Lecture on the Doctrines of the Great TeacherT’ien-t’ai 335 金吾殿御返事 1354
The Brahman Treasure Sea 676 松野殿御消息(宝海梵志の事) 1995
The Day before Yesterday 391 一昨日御書 873
The Differences between Hinayanaand Mahayana 468 小乗大乗分別抄 629
The Doctrine of Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life 82 一念三千法門 357
The Domain of Shakyamuni 1071 釈迦御所領御書 2139
The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude 636 上野殿御消息(四徳四恩の事) 1850
The Great Battle 465 弁殿並尼御前御書 1635
The Hell of Incessant Sufferingin One’s Present Existence 1056 現世無間御書 2152
The Ikegami Transfer Document 996 池上相承書 2232
The Importance of the Moment of Death 759 妙法尼御前御返事(臨終一大事の事) 2101
The Joy of Fulfilling the Sutra Teachings 463 土木殿御返事(経文符合の事) 1298
The Large Carriage Drawn by a White Ox 723 大白牛車書 2151
The Meaning of the Sacred Teachings of the Buddha’s Lifetime 44 一代聖教大意 326
The Minobu Transfer Document 993 身延相承書 2232
The Offering of Copper Vessels 719 兵衛志殿女房御返事(牧牛女の事) 1485
The Oral Tradition regarding the Enlightenment of Plants 429 草木成仏口決 1777
The Portable Shrine Incidents 304 御輿振御書 1652
The Relative Merit of Reciting the Daimokuand Amida’s Name 997 題目弥陀名号勝劣事 797
The Ryūsen-ji Petition 822 滝泉寺大衆陳状 880
The Source of Aniruddha’s Good Fortune 565 上野殿御返事(大難必定の事) 1842
The Span of One Kalpa 651 松野殿御消息(一劫の事) 1982
The Thus Come One Shakyamuni 1078 釈迦如来御書 2140
The Two Meanings Implied in the Nembutsu Leading to the Hellof Incessant Suffering 301 六郎実長御消息 1804
The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas of the Three Existencesregarding the Classification of the Teachings and Which Are to Be Abandoned and Which Upheld 835 三世諸仏総勘文教相廃立(総勘文抄) 705
The Way to Minobu 480 富木殿御書(身延入山の事) 1304
The Woman Who Gave a Piece of Gold 681 乗明聖人御返事(金珠女の事) 1368
Their Views Were Widely Accepted as Authoritative 1080 一定証伏御書 2158
Understanding the Meaning of “The Object of Devotion for Observing the Mind” 604 観心本尊得意抄 1311
What It Means to Hear the Buddha Vehicle for the First Time 741 始聞仏乗義 1325
What It Means to Slander the Law 246 顕謗法抄 483
When the Roots Are Exposed, the Branches Wither 1065 根露枝枯御書 2155
Why No Protection from the Heavenly Gods? 432 富木殿御返事(諸天加護なき所以の事) 1292
Why Present-Day NembutsuPractitioners Are Destined for the Hellof Incessant Suffering 288 当世念仏者無間地獄事 787

